Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pure Lung Went Viral!

Good News! My film “Pure Lung” went viral! It was watched by 85,000 people in about 5 days. Most of the viewers were from Honduras and it was so validating to read all of the comments they left behind.

Bad News - In response to the popularity, one of the sources in the film has been threatened by gangs and is in hiding.

The film was actually stolen from me by a blogger named Mr. Maya. I would have never known any of this had happened if the gangs had not threatened my source. Mr Maya stole the film and didn't tell me a damn thing about it. 

La Honduras que ocultan los medios. | EKF Productions
#Viral El vídeo que Televicentro y HCH no quieren que veas sobre la verdadera Honduras. | EKF Productions
Posted by Mr. Maya on Sunday, February 21, 2016

This has been a strange situation for me. I am really happy that the film actually had an impact and that so many people saw it. I feel horrible that my source is uprooted and in hiding because of that impact. I am pissed that someone stole a film that I made and published for free in the first place.

I waited to talk about this because I wanted the whole thing to blow over first. It seems the film had its moment and now it will fade back into oblivion.

A big reason the film went viral was due to the murder of Berta Cáceres. Berta Cáceres was an environmental activist who was speaking out against a hydro-electric dam being backed by European and Chinese funds.

Berta Cáceres was also a heavy critic of Hillary Clinton. In 2009 Clinton supported the coup that toppled Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who had long been seen as a leftist threat to the interests of international corporations. In 2008, Zelaya blocked a series of hydroelectric dam projects, citing concerns raised by native Hondurans. Less than a year after he was deposed, the new government had already approved 40 dam contracts. When the current President Juan Orlando Hernández came to power in 2013, his slogan was “Honduras is open for business.”

Source - The intercept


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